45-minute online tour experience

Can't travel? No problem! Over 600 tour guides are ready to give you a personal tour online.

Book your online experience! €59

Can't travel?  No problem! 

Over 600 tour guides are ready to give you a personal tour online. We know that many people can’t travel right now, but connecting people with informed, entertaining and unforgettable tour guides is still our mission.

For only €59, guides can give you a personal, online tour for up to 20 people at a time and place convenient to you. Rather than having guides outside and running into common virtual tour issues such as poor internet connectivity, weather and traffic disruptions, and large stretches of time being used to walk between sites, guides will lead you through a beautiful visual presentation from their living rooms.


Book your personal online tour experience today!

  • Guides lead you through presentations from their living rooms
  • Stable internet connection eliminates common virtual tour issues
  • No risk of cancellation due to poor weather!
  • No risk of noise disruption from protests, traffic etcetera
  • Maximise your 45 minutes: no time lost walking between sites
Book your online experience! €59 Once your payment made, you'll be given the option to pick your experience and a timeslot
Secure Payment

50 million tourism jobs are currently at risk

At SANDEMANs, we have been proudly connecting great guides with smart travelers since 2003, but with our red umbrellas temporarily down due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are looking for new ways to financially support our community of employees and guide partners, and to ensure that the famous FREE Tour can return as soon as it is safe to do so. We appreciate your support!

SANDEMANs fresh news

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Thank you! Your support means more to us than we can express in words.
Chris Sandeman and the SANDEMANs Live Community

Means of payment

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Means of payment