red alert
March 17th, XXXX

Emergency Operation Procedure

Below is a general outline of the appropriate steps you should take to ensure safety, and that of others, should you find yourself in a dangerous or emergency situation. Obviously these are a broad outline, and they will alter slightly depending on your position.


If you hear of an attack or emergency situation unfolding somewhere in the network –

  1. Gather as much information as possible about the event
  2. Contact the City Manager (CM), Regional Director (RD), COO (Antony Lias) or CEO (Dave O’Kelly)
  3. Contact local authorities if you know of people in danger
  4. Continue to stay well-informed through following local authorities and news channels online, as well as keeping in contact with the CM, RD, COO or CEO who will communicate information and the appropriate actions
  5. Communicate up-to-date information and decisions to the CM, RD, COO or CEO who will communicate this both internally and externally via the appropriate channels

If you are out with a group on a tour –

  1. Your safety, and that of the group, is the main concern
  2. If possible, remove everyone safely away from the danger area
  3. If not possible, guide them indoors where it is safe
  4. Contact your CM and local authorities; provide as much information as possible about the situation, your location and any further information
  5. Keep well informed on the situation by following local news channels and authorities online, and keeping in contact with your CM
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