berlin free walking tours
Edinburgh local guide


My story begins in Prague, where I was born. At a very young age, I moved to London for 6 years and then back to Prague for 6 more years. After, I moved to Nairobi, where I finished my secondary education. I was then ready to explore the world, so I took a gap year and I began guiding visitors through the streets of Prague. Finally, in pursuit of an incredible University experience, I moved to Edinburgh and I immediately fell in love with this magical city. The constant blasting wind reminding you of your existence. The mysterious and horrific history that lies with the picturesque architecture and the sweet taste of whisky warming your heart combine to form a beautiful and lively city, with some of the friendliest people you will meet. On my tour I will show you what makes Edinburgh so amazing and I will not be surprised if you too, fall in love with the City.


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